We moved over to Izumisano on Sunday and things have been really busy. We had church in the morning at Inochi and then went to Izumisano for their service in the afternoon. In the evening we had a welcome party at the church. Monday was a prep day for JJ5D. Then on Tuesday JJ5D began. There are about 20 kids here. The theme for this year is the story of Joseph so all our vocab words and crafts revolve around that story. We’re all doing pretty well. It’s hard to keep up with the kids sometimes (I might be speaking for myself) but we’re for the most part healthy (Gabe has a cough). This year we’re getting a lot of help from Hamadera people. Their Joy Joy ministry didn’t coincide with Izumisano’s this year. I don’t have much time to post so I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.