8/4/09 – Day 1 of B&E (Bible & English)

Just a quick update. Well, first of all, I need to tell you guys to pray for the team members who got sick. Sarah, Gabe, and Jennifer are all sick to some degree. Sarah has a virus (not H1N1) and will probably be out of commission for the whole Bible and English program. Doi Sensei might have picked up the same virus. Jennifer doesn’t have a virus but has flu like symptoms (i.e. body aches, sore throat, etc.). Gabe has nausea and a headache. So please pray for our health.

Day one of B&E went well. We have about twenty students total (16 beginners and 4 intermediate). I think four of them are unbelievers. Here are some pics of B&E:

Vocabulary Bingo
Intermediate class