8/7/09: Japan B&E Days 3 and 4 and Bowling

Hi everyone!

It’s Shelley again. Sorry it’s taken so long for us to post. The last few days went by rather quickly, and B&E is now finished. There were 5 unbelievers who attended and we are thankful that they had a chance to hear the gospel from Doi-sensei. Please continue to pray for their salvation, that God would be gracious to them and give them faith and understanding to repent and believe the truth they heard.

In addition to the English classes, we have also had opportunities to fellowship with the believers at Inochi No Izumi. The church members are so generous and hospitable – a wonderful example of Christian love. Yesterday, Mrs. Matsuoka invited  all of us to her house for lunch.  We were glad to see Sarah for the first time since Monday. She is no longer contagious, though she is still taking medicine and trying to be cautious about overexerting herself. The Yamamoto’s daughter, Junko, came with her 9-month old son, Ryouga. We also went bowling at Sakaihama (as in past years) with some of the church members. The Koujima’s daughter, Kyoko, also visited with her 8-month old son, Hayato.  Like IBC, Inochi No Izumi is also experiencing a baby boom…

Here are some photos from the past few days:

Playing charades with the beginner class
The intermediate class engages in conversation.
Beginner class
Intermediate class
Raymond and “reimen” sound the same…
Intermediate class 2009
Beginner class
Mrs. Matsuoka served the biggest grapes we’ve ever seen

Nori and Ryouga (his sister Junko’s baby)”

Bowling at “Panic Bowl

Tomorrow we will leave at 5:30 a.m. to visit some believers in Kurayoshi, Tottori Prefecture, a 4-hour drive from Osaka. Please pray that we will be an encouragement to them and that we will be able to have good fellowship with them. Please also pray for our health and safety as we travel so far. Please also pray for Doi-sensei as he preaches. Thanks for your prayers!