“It’s like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory.”
The quote above is a small picture of what some of our people will be trying to do this summer. Many small fingers trying to point people to the truth of God and His Word.
We’ve been given opportunity this year to go to a couple of different places.
Japan (July 25 — August 17)
This year will be the 10th year that we’ll be sending short-term missionaries to Japan. We will be ministering alongside two different churches: Izumisano Church and Inochi no Izumi Church. We will be involved in English VBS-type ministries with both churches. Because many Japanese find it difficult to attend a Sunday morning worship or are intimidated by Christianity in general, these English classes often provide an access point for children and their families to become more familiar with the church, Christianity, and the truths of the Gospel. Our team members will also be fellowshipping with the respective members of the churches for mutual encouragement in the Lord.
Our team members are as follows: Ray and Shelley (soon-to-be) Kwan (who want to eventually serve the Lord in Japan as long-term missionaries), Gabriel Oh (our current Japan super-ambassador, who has been serving on the short-term trips for the past several years), Fabian (our former Japan super-ambassador, who makes a triumphant return after not being able to serve the last couple of years) and Tamara Saucedo, and Matt Yrizzary (the up-and-coming Japan super-ambassador, who will be serving for the very first time this year).
Our own Pastor Nam and family will be going on the trip as well. This will be the second time that the whole family will be going. The first time being shortly after Chloe was born, almost eight years ago.
Ecuador (July 25 — August 4)
This is our first year sending a team to Ecuador (if you don’t count the two scouting trips we sent the year before). We will be ministering alongside our brothers and sisters from Good Samaritan Church in Guachala. Like our Japan team. Our team members will be involved in VBS ministries, however, unlike our foofy (I only kid) counterparts, we will also be involved in construction work on the church building.
The team consists of Pastors Gary Takahashi and David Yu, Mark Choi, Marie Cuevas, Benjamin and Pat Hom, Sheila Lachica, Christina Lau, Stephanie Lee, Tony Lee, Yoonjin Park, Stephen and Jenn Runyan, and Matthew Tweedie.
Please pray that the Lord would be glorified in these summer ministries by all the little fingers that will be pointing to Him.