Japan Missions Team Update #1 – Inochi No Izumi

Konnichiwa!! [David Chang writing]
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well at home. So far the trip has gone well. We’re all doing OK even with George getting dehydrated during the flight over and on first day or two. He is doing much better now though.
On Sunday we got to attend the Inochi no Izumi church and did a few Sunday school songs for the kids. A few of the kids seemed to be afraid of us and didn’t even want to look at us or participate. We hope that they’ll be more receptive to us during the camp that we’ll be having over the weekend.
After lunch we got to share our testimonies. It was encouraging and good to hear everyone share their testimonies, and the members of the Inochi church asked a lot of questions. Many of their questions revolved around our walks or on Christianity in America. In regards to American Christianity, they asked if we teach intelligent design at elementary school, how many believers are there in America, etc. Their impression is that America is still largely Christian, but they are continuing to learn how true believers are not as numerous as they think. Although communication is difficult, Inochi seems to have a joy in seeing us there and being able to have us there to teach English.
One of the things I’ve enjoyed a great deal is meeting other believers here in Japan. It’s very encouraging to get to know them and see them live out their faith when they are such a huge minority here. My host family, the Kojimas, are very friendly, warm, and talkative. Even though we can’t communicate very well, we know the bond that brings us together through Christ. It’s encouraging to see their faithfulness in their daily lives and how they are working to spread the Gospel here in Japan. One of the younger members of the church, Aoyama, came to know Christ through my host family. Aoyama met their son, Yuya, and through him learned about the Jesus, accepted Jesus Christ into his life, and began to attend Inochi no Izumi church. Aoyama is a cheerful guy and is like an adopted son to the Kojimas.
It’s been a very encouraging trip. We are on our last day of teaching English today and will soon be attending a camp for the church. Please continue to pray for us as we finish the last days of our trip.
Take care and see you all soon.