Ohio! [Tony Lee writing]
Once again, sorry that it took so long for me to update, but things here have been going great!
We started Joy-Joy 5 Day (children’s English camp) on Tuesday. The program is set up in three different parts: 1) singing and Bible time (1 Samuel); 2) English time; and 3) craft time. We have 12 kids ages ranging from 4-12 years old. The number of children is lower than in past years but it does give us more of an opportunity to interact with the children individually. We have staff from Hamadera helping as well so the ratio ends up being roughly 2:1 (children to adults). Originally, we had the classes split into 3 classes, but decided that it would be best to combine the 1st and 2nd graders to create a super class consisting of 6 kids.
The time here is flying by and the team is doing well. Although, I think some of us (or maybe just me) are starting to get a bit fatigued. It’s breakfast time now so i will try to update more later!
Have a wonderful blessed day!
Prayer Requests:
- That the rest of the Joy-Joy 5 Day camp would go smoothly
- That the team would be well rested and hydrated for the rest of the week
- That God would use us here in Japan mightily for the builing of His kingdom