Speaker: Randy Patten (bio below)
When: July 11, 2015 – 9 am to 3:30 pm
Where: Lighthouse Community Church (501 Van Ness Ave, Torrance, CA 90501)
Cost: $40/person (includes lunch)
Childcare: Limited offering of childcare for kids 2 years old (24 months) to 5th grade. Younger than 2, there will be two cry rooms in the back of the sanctuary available for your use as well as 1-2 other rooms in the church with streaming video and audio.
#1. Hope and Help for Parents: Parenting is tough, especially today in post-Christian America. Thankfully, God has given clear, practical directions for this important task in His Word, the Bible. The truths talked about in this hour are foundational to what will be presented in following sessions. The entire conference will be relevant to those parenting children from infancy through teenagers.
Rev. Randy Patten is the Director of Training and Advancement for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), formerly known as the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC). He served as the Executive Director of NANC for 16 years before assuming his current duties. ACBC certifies both individual biblical counselors and biblical counseling training centers. Prior to serving with NANC/ACBC Randy served 12 years as pastor of a local church followed by 12 years as a pastor to pastors and consultant to local churches. He has been involved in training biblical counselors for over 30 years, including 24 years at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries, Lafayette, Indiana.
Cindy, Randy’s wife of 43 years, has served faithfully with him in all these varied ministries. God has blessed them with two children (Jim and Becky) who have outstanding spouses (Stacie & Charles) and six unbelievably bright and beautiful grandchildren (Luke, Jenna, Cormick, Kayla, Conlin and Levi, ages ten to three).
Randy has a B.A. degree from Cedarville University, Ohio, and M.Div. from Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana and has done doctoral studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois. He serves as a trustee of Cedarville University and was a founding board member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Randy was a contributor to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling (Harvest House, 2012) and Scripture and Counseling (Zondervan, 2014).