I can’t believe we’re more than halfway through our VBS week! So many fun times, and new creative ways to learn our daily lesson – including butter-making, the return of Super-Nam, and plenty of water thrown around! Today’s lesson continued the theme of trusting God because he gives us strength, featuring the Korean Moses (so far we’ve had a Cantonese Moses and a Japanese Moses), and the return of Malachi. Can’t wait to share our day with you all, enjoy!
Instructions from Lisa…no fingers in the butter, or it’ll be too salty. Haha.
Finished butter:
Practicing communication, water games style:
The Ahn-Trapp Family…
Bible lesson in full swing, “Gary from the future” and “Aaron” holding up Moses’ hands:
And who can forget the skit?
And, of course song time to begin and end the day!
Day 3, check!