It’s been a whirlwind couple of days! Our VBS children’s program has started in grand fashion with an even bigger group of energetic and enthusiastic children and staff, and a new exciting theme for this year. Last year’s program focused on the theme of trusting God, this year’s program kicked off with the return of new songs, skits, and teaching times focusing on the theme of “Standing Strong.” Days 1 and 2 featured the return of the acclaimed tale of Nacho, played by Pastor Dave, his friend and fellow Luchador “Super Nam” and a familiar cast of supporting characters to tell the tale. The staff has so much in store for this week- including the debut of the IBC “School of Rock” band, so stay tuned for future posts. For now, here are some highlights from yesterday and today:
Wayne opening the week in prayer with the staff and youth group helpers |
Welcome to VBS!!! |
Starting off with some songs and motions to introduce the theme |
Youth group volunteers showing how it’s done, and being a great example for the VBS kids |
The return of Nacho from Thailand and the long-awaited reunion with Super Nam!
Epic Bible Adventures, Day One: “Who will fight Goliath?”
A little boy volunteers…
…and is victorious by standing strong
Queen Esther telling her story, Day Two
Jen in the Missions Room, teaching about the Great Commission
Stealing the bacon
Bible Review in King’s Kitchen
Lisa did a great job with crafts and hands-on lessons
Much more to come…that’s all from Days 1-2!