VBS: Days 4 & 5

Day 4:  “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.” (Romans 8:38)

We had another fun-filled day of skits, singing, playing games, and learning about the bible.  Things for Nacho continue to go bad while the kids learn to trust in God no matter what happens.  Pastor Gary led the bible lesson for the day which was about the crucifixion of Jesus.  Auntie Lisa used the example of a caterpillar to show how God can transform anything into something beautiful.  The kids also made cards for ZOE in their missions class and buddy fliers during craft time.  One more day to go!

Stealing the bacon
Caterpillar Metamorphosis.  Kyle thinks it’s funny.
Making cards for ZOE
Pastor Gary teaching about the crucifixion of Jesus
Check out this giant cross Ernesto made for VBS!  Thanks Ernesto!
Timon preparing the daily slideshow  
A Buddy Flyer in action
I think someone forgot to memorize the verse of the day
Mouse maze game.  This was pretty fun!

Day 5:  No Matter Where You Are, Trust God!

Today was our last day of VBS.  Suddenly, everything began to turn around for our friend Nacho.  He got an A on his test, was asked to play on the very competitive IBC basketball team, and found a new girl in his life, Ester.  However, his father broke the news to him that they will be moving to Thailand for missions.  See his reaction in the video.

Great job everyone on our first IBC Vacation Bible School!  See you all next year!