Value of Life

What is the value of a human life? I’ve been reading about the Terri Schiavo case in Florida. While the facts of the case warrant concern in themselves, the issue most troubling to me is that so many people in our county think so little about human life and its dignity. Various surveys conducted by … Continued

Are dinosaurs really millions of years old?

There are many interesting theories regarding the age of the earth based upon various scientific analyses of the fossil record. Even Christians who believe in the creation account in Genesis can differ as to whether they believe in an “old earth” or a “young earth.” Certainly, the prevailing modern scientific view purports that the fossil … Continued

Read a little

If you haven’t been reading good Christian books lately, you might be surprised by the number of good “light-weight”? reads. These are “light” in the amount of words and pages, but still bear depth and insight. In fact, you might find yourself thinking, “that was the best two hours I’ve invested into my spiritual life … Continued

2005 Shepherd’s Conference in review

Below are summary reports from some ibc men who enjoyed their time at this year’s Shepherd’s Conference: David Yu What I learned from the Shepherd’s Conference 2005: I learned that there is a war on the truth and a war for the truth. I learned that there are spiritual terrorists lurking in the midst of … Continued

Resolved 2005

Review by Timon WangThe Resolved Conference stressed the importance of setting ones life in the direction of heavenly things by resolving to live each day for the glory of Christ, with a view of only that day and the hope of eternity. Each speaker brought you to the foot of the cross, placed their own … Continued

The Mind in Philippians

We are closing in on the finale of Philippians during our Sunday Morning Services. Our study has unearthed a number of wonderful themes “joy and rejoicing, humility and example, valuing Christ more than life. But there is a particular verb that bears the most use by Paul in this epistle. You might at first think … Continued

Praying Overcomes Anxiety

I recently viewed a list of over 500 phobias. They range from Aerophobia (fear of inhaling bad air) to Xanthophobia (fear of the color yellow). Some of them are quite silly – but the list consists of phobias that have been verified in scientific or medical publications. While we should question the legitimacy of some … Continued

Courage Like Caleb

I want to be like Caleb, the son of Jephunneh. We think of him as the side-kick of Joshua and unintentionally diminish his individual contribution of faith. He was one of the twelve men sent to spy out the promised land of Canaan in Numbers 13. These spies reported seeing a land flowing with milk … Continued

Nearing-Heaven Day

I’ve had “birthdays” on the brain lately. It started this weekend with some of the boys getting together to celebrate the creation of Charles Kim (whose actual birthday is tomorrow – 1/26). He turns thirty-five, also known as the second half of life. Assuming we live to the fairly ripe age of seventy, thirty-five puts … Continued

The Day After Sunday

The other day, I read a bumper sticker that quoted Einstein: “imagination is more important than knowledge.” That might ring true to the naturalist who thinks the universe is a grand adventure of human discovery. But how ridiculous a statement to place human creativity above divine propositional truth! Knowing Christ is surpassingly greater than everything … Continued