VBS Days 4-5

VBS is officially over!  But hopefully what the kids experienced and learned this week will resonate with them.   The songs are all still stuck in my head.  It’s been a crazy last few days, but here’s some pictures from our last two days. Thursday, there was a gospel presentation on the theme of “God gives … Continued

VBS Day 3

What a crazy third day!  Built around the theme of “God gives us Direction,” some of the highlights was an epic Pokemon skit and music by the youth group (which the kids were so excited about), an awesome crafts and teaching time, and the usual fun and crazy games led by Rob.  More pictures below!  … Continued

VBS Day Two!

I think both the staff and students were a bit shocked when we realized we’re already almost halfway done with our VBS week- it’s been a whirlwind of fun and excitement and learning.  Today’s theme was “God gives us Courage” with some creative skits (featuring Evil Darth Jack), crafts with green goo, and an awesome … Continued

VBS Day One – Cave Quest has Begun!

 There was a ton of excitement and buzz this week leading up to our VBS program this year- a ton of prep and incredible contributions from so many staff and our youth group to get ready for this year.  This year’s theme is Cave Quest, with Day One’s theme “God gives us Hope.”  The kids … Continued

VBS 2015 Update (Days 1-3)

This week has gone by so fast, we’re already more than halfway through an eventful Vacation Bible School!  This year’s theme is Thailand, a program that shows the kids the lives of children in another country while at the same time teaching them that God is real and present in both their lives and in … Continued