The Valley of Vision

In the coming weeks, we will post Puritan prayers from a compilation known as The Valley of Vision. This collection of Puritan prayers and devotions were “drawn from the largely forgotten deposit of Puritan spiritual exercises, meditations and aspirations.” They illustrate the rich prayer life and meditations that the Puritans practiced. Hopefully, through meditating on … Continued

Book Review of “The Shack” by Tim Challies

A few weeks ago, pastor Nam briefly mentioned a popular book called The Shack by William P. Young, which had since its printing become a hot topic amongst both Christians and non-Christians. It has been on the NY Times Best-Selling list for the past 10 weeks (currently at #17). It has been praised by some to be … Continued

Summer Missions 2008

“It’s like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory.” The quote above is a small picture of what some of our people will be trying to do this summer. Many small fingers trying to point people to the truth of God … Continued

Recommended Links

Ever wanted to know of some good Christian websites to check out? Well some of the men of the church have compiled a brief list. Some of the links you are already well familiar with. For the general membership: (featured in Immanuel Quarterly) Justin Taylor’s Website: Checking this website will save you a lot … Continued

Missions Time – 2007

The 2007 Missions season is upon us. We are pleased to offer three short term missions trips to our membership. To participate you will need to fill out an application and submit it to Pastor David Yu. Click here. Japan – July 26 – August 14 – blogThis trip will consist of two ministry opportunities … Continued

The Emerging Discussion

Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church By D. A. Carson Review by Gary Takahashi Download PDF It is so difficult to write a short summary of what’s going on in the Emerging Church “conversation.” I have read some of the literature being produced by EC advocates and have visited one of their main websites on several … Continued


Book RecommendationLost in the Middle: Midlife and the Grace of Godby Paul David TrippReviewed by Gary Takahashi I just finished reading this book and would like to recommend it, especially to those of you in our church who are either approaching (early 30’s) or are already in midlife (mid 30’s to 40). I’m sure many … Continued

Leaving self behind

Do you not agree that the world pushes the idea that we must find the man or woman that fits “our” needs or “our” requirements? Yes, finding Mr. Right or The Perfect Woman is deemed essential. So much of marriage and happiness is placed on the fulfillment of personal needs. From a Biblical perspective, there … Continued

You didn’t have your quiet time?

Do you feel guilty when you don’t have your quiet time? Are you confident and purposeful when you have an excellent, refreshing time in the Word and prayer? How should we view the success or lack of quality in quiet times? No where in the Bible are we commanded to devote 30 minutes each day … Continued

Cult or Orthodox?

Last Sunday, during the second hour training in the Church History class, someone asked a question about what made a movement or idea a cult rather than orthodox… Here’s a brief review by Tim Challies of a new DVD, Marks of a Cult, that came out that provides a good, short summary about the differences … Continued