Japan Missions Team Update #3 – Izumi Sano

Ohio! [Tony Lee writing] Once again, sorry that it took so long for me to update, but things here have been going great! We started Joy-Joy 5 Day (children’s English camp) on Tuesday. The program is set up in three different parts: 1) singing and Bible time (1 Samuel); 2) English time; and 3) craft … Continued

Japan Missions Team Update #2 – Inochi No Izumi

We’re back! (Team 1 [David Chang writing]) Hey Everyone, Our missions trip to Japan is finished and we are back in LA. We’re all doing well and our time in Japan went pretty smoothly. The B&E (Bible and English) classes went well for the most part. I taught the beginners class with Kristi and George taught … Continued

Japan Missions Team Update #2 – Izumi Sano

[Tony Lee writing] Sorry it took so long to update, but its been pretty busy and pretty hot (which is not really an excuse but its hard to type with sweaty fingers). The last time I updated I mentioned that Laura and myself were at Hamadera and we were helping out with the childrens overnight… … Continued

Japan Missions Team Update #1 – Izumi Sano

  Greetings! [Tony Lee writing] I hope things are well back at home. We miss you guys already! We arrived safely in Osaka after a long day of traveling. Surprisingly the travel went with out a hitch thanks to the first Japan team sending us some pointers to help ease the travel. We were picked … Continued

Japan Missions Team Update #1 – Inochi No Izumi

Konnichiwa!! [David Chang writing] Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well at home. So far the trip has gone well. We’re all doing OK even with George getting dehydrated during the flight over and on first day or two. He is doing much better now though. On Sunday we got to attend the Inochi no … Continued

Duties of Parents Part 9 – JC Ryle

IX. Train them to a habit of obedience.This is an object which it is worth any labor to attain. No habit, I suspect, has such an influence over our lives as this. Parents, determine to make your children obey you, though it may cost you much trouble, and cost them many tears. Let there be … Continued