Introduction to Eschatology

Pastor Gary Takahashi currently teaching his series on Eschatology. In light of this, we thought it would be helpful for the membership to have a basic understanding of Eschatology. This is an introductory article on the topic and written by one of our intern pastors, Raymond Kim. It is the hope that through familiarizing yourself … Continued

Member’s Convenant

Since we have been brought by God’s grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give ourselves up to Him, and since we have been baptized upon our profession of faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, while relying … Continued

What is a Church?

What is a Church? Before we think about what local church membership should mean, we’d be wise to ask the more basic question: What is it that I join when I join with a local church in membership? The Church is NOT a loose affiliation of people who hold roughly the same religious beliefs, no … Continued

A Biblical Understanding of Church Membership

Mark VI: A Biblical Understanding of Church Membership (Used by permission. Go to for complete version) I. Membership is a commitment By identifying ourselves with a particular church, we let pastors and other members know that we intend to be committed in attendance, giving, prayer, and service; we increase other’s expectations of us in … Continued

Team Ecuador 2008 – Final Update

Sorry that this took so long to do. The team has been back for just about two weeks now and that is how long it has taken me to get to writing this. Headings will follow. +)     VBS   As you know, our main ministry here was the VBS that we did. We … Continued

Ecuador Update – Photo Edition

Although the Ecuador Team has returned, the work they started continues for Good Samaritan Church. Please continue to pray for Pastor Jose and his family as well as the band of youths who eagerly thirsted for training in studying the Word and evangelism. I expect each short-term missionary will relate just how much they were … Continued

Japan post #5 (8/11/08)

Konnichiwa from Japan once again! We are on the whopping 17th day of our 23-day trip. Today marks one week before our return to Los Angeles. We are definitely anxious to come home, but at the same time realize that it’s going to be hard to part with the awesome people here. B&E Classes As … Continued

Japan ’08 Update #5

Konnichiwa from Japan everyone! This is Matt again. I apologize for the long hiatus, but we as a group have been pretty busy preparing for our B&E program here at Inochi-no-Izumi church. We actually just wrapped up the last day of our four-day program which consisted of a Bible time taught by Doi-Sensei and an … Continued

Japan update #4

Hello y’all. This is Ray. It’s kind of late so I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking. As for the good news Matt was talking about earlier, there were two boys at JJ5D (Shouta and Ryusei) who responded positively to the gospel during the counseling time. When I say “respond positively” I don’t … Continued