Japan ’08 Update #3 Pics

Hello again from Japan!  We just finished up our last day of English classes for the Joy-Joy-5-Day Program here at Izumi-Sano Church.  We have only our presentation tomorrow before we move on to Inochi-no-Izumi church to begin teaching Bible and English Classes.  More on this later.  We’re about to eat dinner, but I wanted to … Continued

Ecuador Update 3

Since the Japan Team updated, I feel the need to do so as well to keep Team Ecuador on top, but because of time, this will be short…    Birthday Surprise, VBS, and Planting Seeds The team is doing well.  People are still feeling a little tired or suffering from headaches, but overall, the team is … Continued

Japan Update #2

Hello again from Japan. I apologize for not updating yesterday, but I just realized that because I am the only one with immediate access to the internet that I should be doing the updates. I also apologize for the brief nature of the first update, but it had to be written rather hastily. Not to … Continued

Ecuador Update 2

  Sunday We woke up early on Sunday and went over to the church by 9AM.  After a marathon teaching session from Gary, the church was really blessed and glad to be able to learn.  What we take for granted is such a blessing to them and they have been such a blessing to us.  After service, … Continued

Ecuador Update

Arrival We all got to ecuador well and you have already heard.  Things here are not rough at all really.  Even without my luggage, life here isn’t difficult for us except for the altitude.  You can pray especially for Matt Tweedie and Marie.  They are doing well, but having some headaches and tiredness.  They are … Continued

Japan 08 Day 1

Konnichiwa from Japan everyone! We just finished the first of five days here at Izumi-Sano church in Osaka. Our program is called “Joy-Joy-5-days” in which we are able to teach children ranging from 1st to 6th grade. The program consists of both a Japanese and English portion. During the Japanese portion, the children gather in … Continued

Short-Term Missions 2008 – Team Japan

  Team Japan (July 25 — August 17)   “God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.” — Hudson Taylor   Facts (Source: Wikipedia/CIA — The World Factbook)   Japan (?? Nihon or Nippon, officially ??? Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku) is an island country in East Asia. Located in … Continued

Short-Term Missions 2008 – Ecuador

  Team Ecuador (July 25 — August 4) “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot Facts (Source: Wikipedia/CIA — The World Factbook)   Ecuador, officially the Republic of Ecuador (República del Ecuador, literally, “Republic of the equator“) is a representative democratic republic … Continued

Thursday’s Prayer

“New Beginning” INCOMPREHENSIBLE, GREAT, AND GLORIOUS GOD, I adore thee and abase myself. I approach thee mindful that I am less than nothing, a creature worse than nothing. My thoughts are not screened from thy gaze, My secret sins blaze in the light of thy countenance. Enable me to remember that blood which cleanseth all … Continued

Friday’s Prayer

“Penitence” O LORD OF GRACE, I have been hasty and short in prayer, O quicken my conscience to feel this folly, to bewail this ingratitude; My first sin of the day leads into others, and it is just that thou shoudst withdraw thy presence from one who waited carelessly on thee, Keep me at all … Continued